Wellspring Aikido

Join our family friendly learning community. Martial Arts classes for children & adults. Affordable rates - beginners welcome. Focus & center at Wellspring Aikido!

Aikido - the Martial Art of Peace

        Demonstration practice of Aikido


Josephine County, OR


Aikido is dynamic, non-competitive
and fun. Different from most martial arts, it is defensive, not aggressive.
We practice relaxing & centering under pressure, so reactions of fear and anger become less automatic in all situations. Aikido cultivates the unification of body, mind and spirit.



Who We Are

David Keip

Chief Instructor

David holds a 5th degree Black Belt in Aikido and has been teaching since 1985. He began his training at Aikido of Monterey in 1982. David also taught for 15 years at Centerfield Aikido in Graton.

Photo: David and
        Michelle Keip

Michelle Keip, RN

Creative Director

Michelle holds a 4th degree Black Belt in Aikido. She has  trained in the martial arts since 1976.
Michelle is the founder of Samurai Sprouts and the author of Shape, an Aikido based activity book for kids.


We moved to Southern Oregon in 2015.
Wellspring no longer offer classes in Santa Rosa, CA.



Aikido for Adults & Teens

Age 14 and up

Aikido emphasizes each student discovering and giving their personal best. Training builds inner strength, balance, coordination and flexibility.

Aikido for Kids

Ages 7 - 13

Students develop balance, power, discipline and grace. We practice respect, focus, cooperation and non-violence. Students earn colored belts to mark their learning progress.

Samurai Sprouts

Ages 5 - 7

Kids love the fun! You'll be grateful for the life skills learned in Samurai Sprouts, like centering, focus and cooperation. Games, stories, art, sharing, nature and creative movement are woven together to nourish the whole child. Read more.



     All Current Classes:

Williams Grange
20100 Williams Hwy
Williams, OR 97544

Click here for our adult flyer

Click here for our children's flyer

Photo: Throw practice in Aikido

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